...and we're back! The biannual blog has returned for another display of mostly cute pictures of Syd the Kid and Ash Bash. I've entitled this post the many faces of Ashley because she's a little Jim Carrey in the making. Mostly sweet, but definitely of few sub* shots. (*some ugly baby). Don't worry, I still love you girl!
That's our girl!
You get it now right?
"Dad, I can't stop looking into his eyes!"
Is that a dino girl watching a Seaworld show? Why yes it is! Is that weird?
Pumped at the pumpkin patch
This is an outrage. First the white man takes over the country and now this!
I hope that is a gigantic pumpkin and not a big orange poop.
Joe got the latest iPhone and had to try out a panoramic picture. (Note this feature has only been used once, but he just had to have it.)
The Francis' visited in October. Curtis Abe Lincolned it. He chopped down most of our (neighbors) tree and could not tell a lie when the angry little neighbor stormed out and shouted for the large Alaskan man to get out of his tree!
Curtis was okay with it. You haven't lived until you've killed a tree, preferably one of your neighbors.
The kids enjoyed the U-haul we rented to remove the dead tree limbs. Until of course the angry neighbor showed up and ruined the good time.
Halloween in the hood. Syd and Ash are dinos. Apparently Rapunzal costumes were cheap.
Lookout--sweet, wonderful dinosaurs on the loose!
The prison cell at Wings 'n' Things. It didn't work--we could still hear and see them.
Craft time at Lily and Knox's early birthday party at our place. Uncle Pat was the resident artist. Just don't ask him to draw any hearts. They have alluded him for years.
Mother (and Aunt) of the Year
Kira the Cat Chiropractor (RoRo is in the shame corner.)
Movie night!
The picture that did not get chosen for the Christmas card
"But dad, this isn't Kidding Around (name of local indoor kid play area, really it is)."
Syd the half face bandit enjoying parent appreciation breakfast at her Montessori preschool
There's the face.
And lean back
Syd's first sculptural masterpiece. She entitled it "Crayons in Couch: A Cosmic Collision of Comfort and Color." She came up with that all by herself, yes she did.
Wowwee! How's that for a table of plenty! Thanksgiving at the Dros.
Xavier better watch out, Syd's about to pull an Amelia Earhart.
Syd loves "chicken on the bone" so she's a-ok with the steroids used to produce this gigantic drumstick. (It's a turkey leg, but don't tell her that. It's chicken all the way!)
Decorating Christmas cookies with Rorita
Best friends for five seconds. Yes!
Ashley in the rain
"X marks the spot Santa!"
Ash didn't understand all the hype about Santa. Who is this guy? she kept asking. On Christmas morning she found out. Next year I guarantee she'll be begging to sit on his lap.
I said next year!
Tubing in Big Bear
"Yay! Cups for Christmas. It's what I've always wanted. Thanks Aunt Julie for all of my cups. Wow I got a lot of cups."
Christmas morning glory
Lightning pillow: check. Lightning sleeping bag: check. Lightning stuffed animal: check. Mom and dad suckered into buying any merchandise with a red car on it: check.
Okay now this is a little embarrassing.
And it just keeps coming.
Though this appears to be real sweet, Sydney is really trying to choke Ashley out.
You mean this sweet angel?
One's overdressed, one's underdressed, but neither is nagging me so I'm just gonna walk away.
Kid village in the backyard. Someday when the girls finish college they'll come home and live here.
Classy backyard pool. Complete with naked kids.
All right, all right you got the beads, now cover those chi chis!
Sweet sister love turns into Wrestle Mania
Making cookies with Guy Fawkes
Nate and Ash at the apple picking orchard
Aaaaah! My baby, my sweet baby! (Odd that Ash doesn't feel that gruesome knife going through her head.)
Captain Syd navigating the pontoon boat on Mo and Pat's birthday boat party.
Who's more ferocious--those dinosaurs or that girl with the face?
Sweet girls launching little pieces of bread (AKA full slices) into the duck pond
Syd, Ash, and Ro at the library
Syd and her best bud Jackson at the pumpkin patch
Ashley Bashley
The aftermath of a RoRo visit
Syd trying out Lil's princess bed. "It burns! it burns! Lightning save me!"
Nude artist colony
Syd holds the record for how many stickers she can waste in one sitting.
Apparently you can do lots of stuff while nude.
Is that a celebrity hiding behind that hat and glasses? Oh no, it's just Lily. Wah, wah, wah.
"Mom, why would I want to play in this totally awesome gymnastics place when I can be in your arms the whole entire time? Pick me up already!"
Dinogirl in a parking lot
Who needs a dog when you have a Lily!
2nd Place Aunt of the Year! (Remember I won first.)
Bath body pileup
Preparing the pinata for the birthday party. "One for me...one for the pinata...one for me..."
Aunt Julie and Ash
"How could mom do this to me? Didn't she learn from her mother's mistakes? Kids do not look good with bowl shaped hair!"
Syd fell asleep on the couch and Ash brought over a bunch of animals for her. I'm pretty sure she was trying to snuff her out. Makes sense.
Two kids in a single stroller being carted around the house. Not ridiculous at all.
Sweetest little roadhog you've ever seen
After Joe slayed the bear, he and his little cavegirl took a rest.
Quinn and Ashley waving their hands in the air like they just don't care
Most awesome seat ever! This was found in a Michaels bathroom stall. I strapped Ashley in here right when I entered the store and had the most pleasant shopping experience of my life. All stores should come with baby restraint seats!
Yes, there are dinos on that gingerbread house.
"Mom, I take back what I said about the bowl haircut."
Get your hands off that pole right now young lady. You're going to college!
Cute contest--it's a tie!
The girls really love dinosaurs and grandpa (well most of the time.)
Enjoying the Big Bay Balloon Parade downtown
Ashley's head exploded after this photo was taken. Services will be held next week.
Sydney loves to touch all of the baked goods before we mail them out. I hope they were delicious everyone!
The highlight of the Big Bear vacation was definitely the inside of this suitcase, well and the bananas of course.
These are supposedly snowman dinosaurs. Just nod your head and say yes I can see the dinosaurs.
I hope no dinosaur's gonna eat this little cutie.
Snow girls
Syd's first Christmas program. Didn't hear a note out of her, but she sure looked cute.
She just couldn't stop singing afterwards. (Just kidding, she was yelling in my ear.)
Daddy love, oh daddy love
The kids are suddenly over dinosaurs (and grandpa for that matter.)
Aaaah, we're stuck in a snow globe! And grandpa's too busy putting his finger in front of the camera to help.
Recharging Terminators
Syd's other preschool's Christmas program and she wore the same shirt. How embarrassing!
Our very mature spectator girl
Syd went ice skating for the first time. Let's just say things were going great until mom accidentally tripped Joe who fell smack right on top of Sydney. Sydney was crushed and had a butt bruise for a week, but hey I stayed on my feet.
I think this outfit can be seen from space. Thanks Nana!
Car sister love. These brief moments every ten days or so really make you glad you had more than one kid. Every other moment sucks!
The biker gang prepares to loot the next county.
Penguin Power!
And finally...kids boogie down at the Fall Festival. Check out Ro's awesome dance moves!
Hi Mo, and Jo and kids! Awesome update. It is really great to see how well the kids are doing. Love all the pictures and the caption are priceless! Love Marlene, Jeff & kids!
ReplyDeletegot anymore nude pics of your daughters. i love their nice bums,I want to analfuck their littleholes and cum all over their little bodies. :)
ReplyDeleteMmm i'd like to show those girls what else can be done in the nude. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd like to fuck and grab those little butts, and shot my load inside their tight little bald pussies
The ponytailed one has a nice ass. If I were there with them I'd have the ponytailed one sit on my face as I lick her pussy as her cousin rides my cock
ReplyDeleteTrue that would be nice
DeleteCan I play with their little asses and lick they're bald Process
ReplyDeleteLet me molest their little butts!
ReplyDeleteЯ хочу их трахнуть
DeleteIt's so good! again! again! again.
DeleteЯ хочу их трахнуть
ReplyDelete@ Raylah XX XX on telegram let’s talk.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful little girls. Would love to kiss and lick their bald cunnies during a diaper change. Then fuck their tight virgin holes until they orgasm, then I will fill them with my warm sticky cum.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to tie mommy to a chair then take her daughter tie her to her bed shoot her up with meth then myself and fuck her all night while mommy watches. Then I'd male mommy watch as I ate her daughter alive right in front of her
ReplyDeleteFuck the owner
ReplyDeleteNo wonder children go missing it's all because of you
ReplyDeleteWouldn't u just luv to fuck em