Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Blog Is Back Baby!

Well just in case you forgot, the two San Diego cuties (and no I'm not talking about Ro and Nate) are still cuter than ever. In the past few months Syd, though the pictures may tell otherwise, has finally accepted that pajamas are only nighttime wear and real clothes actually don't burn your skin. Also, Ashley's cheeks (and we're not talking face here) have ballooned in size to an irresistible--impossible not to squeeze any chance I get which is quite often--level. Don't worry, for all you people too far away to actually get a handle on those buns, there is a picture below, so get your pinchin' fingers ready!

And yes, Syd's still a goose!

"Hey mom, how 'bout puttin' in a real pool?"

The aftermath of a grandpa babysitting session. (Not pictured is pantless/diaperless Sydney informing me that she just pooped and it is hidden somewhere in the house.)

But at least grandpa gives good back massages.

The Francis' visited in March. RoRo, Lily, Syd, and Ash are making it pretty clear that no boys are allowed. See ya Knox!

Syd & Lil putting gel stickers on the window for the thousand time. 

Lil and Syd enjoy Shamu popsicles at Seaworld 

Syd, Lily, and Biker Ro enjoying a crab feast 

Ash and Knox on a wagon thrill ride led by Aunt Julie the destroyer

Lily and her newly accessorized Hello Kitty

Lady and the tramp. Lily that ragged dog is disgusting.

Quite a spread. Green Flash Brewing Co.

Who says you can't take kids to a brewery?!

Aunt Eileen and Janice came down to celebrate the Francis visit and Valentines Day 

Gramps and his valentine 

Dad and his girls 

A beautiful rose, oh yeah and some flowers too

When it rains in San Diego, we take it seriously. 

Father of the Year 

Three major geeks nerdin' in up! 

Yes, those are pajamas and yes it is the middle of the day at Ikea. What did you think we owned that chair!

Spring Training in Arizona. Uncle Stan joined us, purely for comic relief of course and let me tell you there was no shortage of one liners. 

Syd "Wild Thing" Dro enjoying some shaved ice with dad 

The family celebrity getting interviewed for a Chicago news station

Ash and I enjoying the house pool 

Another grandpa attempt at taking pictures with the iPhone 

No, not quite. 

Uh, oh. A flipped camera and a finger! 

That's some good lookin' cement. Dad thanks for pointing that out to us. 

Oh wait, there we are! And yes, this is the best picture gramps took. 

Sweet is right Girlfriend! 

Ash, Quinn, and Syd hangin' in the outfield  

Look at that cute, sweet, adorable, precious, little horse.

Three more rings and we'd be ready for the Olympics. Go USA!!!

Water baby 

Scootin' across the desert (in pajamas!)

Mom and the sweet one

"You want to get a beer after the game?"

Nana loving every second

Enough of those pesky grandkids, lets get the party started!

Dueling babies--Ash and Quinn

Hanging with Uncle Matt and cousin Xavier.
Few girls can pull off Lightning McQueen slippers with a summer dress, but we all can agree Syd has done just that.

Thank goodness for all those bubbles or Xavier might have glimpsed our sweet girlies' lady parts.

Which is more wild--the ride Sydney's on or Uncle Stan's hair?  

Back to San Diego. Our little pucker girl. 

"Say what?! I'm going to be a little sister! Oh wait, I already knew that." 

Cool girl on the swing. Complete with pajama bottoms and a pine cone. 

This dad can do it all!

Easter time! 

The Easter bunny was here!

Yay for the Easter bunny! Oh I mean Jesus!

"Ah mimosa, sweet nectar of the gods."
"Beer dad really? I'm just a little girl!"

Sweet family if you're not counting the mugs on those kids

Syd having a great time with her friends

Awwww. So sweet.

Yep, that's one happy baby.

Search and Rescue just got the dream team--Syd and Ro.

"Mom these eyes are for piercing souls not for hiding behind sunglasses."

Syd choking out a goat at the zoo.

Watch out Olympic row team, the ringers have entered the water.

Great balls of Ashley!

Uh oh, wearing pajamas in public seems to run in the family.

This is the perfect first time dad shot--too bad that's not his baby! Don't worry, no scandal here, that little dude is just our new nephew Nate, not to be confused with our old news nephew Knox in Alaska.

Syd showing her disapproval of the new arrival

I think we all know which baby is stealing the show here!

Ro and Syd together forever, or until the next toy grudge match which should take place in about ten seconds.

Swing time fun with dad

The BUNS!!!!!! Start squeezin'!!!

Check out the movie star. Lindsay Lohan taught her everything she knows.

Stealth Charlita in a super secret hiding spot. Hey cat, nice try but we can see your whole face. 

Syd in her Home Depot best 

What can you say about the hundredth cute Ashley face?
Quit rubbin' it in kid.

Syd in her wild print daytime kitty pants. (You saw right through that didn't you. All right they're pajamas.)

"But mom, just focus on the face."

"I'm so wonderful!"

Kind of an artsy shot. Kind of a "my kid's not wearing pants and may strangle herself at any moment" shot.

Cheese. Still wonderful. (Whoa who's that kid in the pjs in the background? Not mine of course, oh wait it's Sydney.)

Family bed alert!!!

Girls! Girls! Girls!

Those eyes say "I might murder your children," but the heart says "Just kidding."

Feel free to squeeze these cheeks too.

No need to look inside Syd, the hot Ash is sitting right on top.

Mom with her favorite child

Just kidding, they're both so wonderful!

Syd with all of her animal admirers. This takes 10 minutes to set up but only 3 seconds to destroy. It took Joe and I a good week to wise up and tell Syd she's on her own.

Exile Island. This is where we send Syd when she's being a load. She promised to tell me if she ever sees Jeff Probst. That guy is awesome!

A true kid--reading Highlights magazine at the dentist. Julie please don't judge the pajamas, at least she's wearing matching slippers.

Gramps and the girlies are ready for a harsh San Diego winter

And finally one last cutie booty picture of the sweet angel baby

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