Time for another installment of what the cutest baby in San Diego is up to! Well Syd attended her first Oktoberfest celebration, had a few too many drinks, and peed her pants on the ride home. Oh maybe that was her dad, especially that last part. Here are some pictures to prove it.
Syd doing the chicken dance. She has no idea there's a chicken on her head.
Apparently gnomes are German
"OMG!!! A double rainbow!"
I can't quite tell, but I think Syd likes the chocolate lava cake.
"Hello world. It's me Sydney."
Syd taking a snooze at mass.
"No daddy, I want a real pony."
Joe and Syd at the Wild Animal Park
Which is more extreme - the roller coaster or the hair style?
Ridin' in the backyard
"Wanna come in?"

This kid better take it easy on the bottle.

Soccer Star

Strike a pose

I ain't afraid of no ghosts!
Wow when did Syd get so big? Oh wait that's Rosemary.
"Wanna play?"
Computer games are awesome!
"Check out my snowmen!"
Grandpa Steve, Syd, and mom in the pool
Yes, that's Syd in the mud
Syd was a big fan of cousin Shannon's Pooh bear
Noooooo! Why oh why?
This was an actually ad on the home shopping network. I think the world is trying to tell me something. Christmas is awesome!
You can actually see her eyes glazing over.
Syd organizing dad's coffees
Diaper Baby!
Syd found one of my student's science experiments and ate it.
"Look, a lizard."
Celebrating our 30th birthday
Trail of treats
This wasn't the type of bottle I was thinking of
I could sit here all day, just keep the cookies comin'.
My favorite picture is the one where we learn that Mo has QVC on her iphone. My second is Syd splayed out at the bottom of the stairs as if she lost a battle with Charlotte.
ReplyDeleteSyd the Kid loves her top o' head ponytail! Thanks for the new photos, finally!!