Joe, Mo, and Syd (she does nothing but look cute) have started this really awesome blog. (To be determined if it will actually be awesome or not, but who am I kidding it's going to be totally awesome!) Since Sydney is getting more and more adorable (and not at all annoying) each day we would like to share the little cute butt's face with everyone. Syd is almost 6 months old now and she likes to party with her pants off! We had a nice Christmas partying excessively in Fresno and Fremont with all of Syd's cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Here are some pictures from our vacation and the last few months. Warning: There are an excessive amount of very cute girl pictures below.

Somebody put some pants on that kid!
"OMG! Cousin Lily you are sooooo lucky!"
Sydney and dad at the zoo in Fresno
Sydney loves giraffes!

Sydney and dad in a light tunnel at the zoo

Cousin Lily and Sydney with Santa

Dad with his girl by the tree

"My present! Open it now!!"

Sydney helping Aunt Trudy and mom do some baking

Snoozing Syd with her great grandma and some other fools

Sydney loungin' with papa

Beauty Shot
One good looking couple - Sydney and Charlotte
"I love you Violet."

Grandma Syd strikes again

"Hmmm, I believe E=mc2 stands for Everything I eat turns into Moldy Caca."
Syd in her pod
Cousin Lily and Sydney in their matching hot pink jogging suits
Lets say it together folks - "Awwwwwww"
Great grandma with the cutie bootie girl

What? That size is for babies right?

Time out. Just kidding Syd's perfect and she never needs a timeout.

"Me and my frog are besties."

Mullet Mania!
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