We had an awesome 4th of July with the Frost family! Even the Canadians joined in on the American celebration! That flight from Juneau sure is a killer! We stayed at Jeff and Marlene's cabin in Arnold, CA. Thank you so much for letting us stay there. We had a totally awesome time! Hey come to think of it, don't I have a couple of uncles who own a cabin in Tahoe. What a bunch of good for nothings! (fist shaking in the air)
Mo and Syd lookin' cooler than ever!

Trying really hard, but not quite hitting the cool mark
"Hold still dad, I almost got it."
Gramps and his girls
The fam at the lake
Watch out Syd, there's a creature after you!
Baywatch Babe (Pamela Anderson eat your heart out!)
Lily you're supposed to pee in the lake.
The dads and their girls
The moms and their girls (Uh oh, what's wrong with Lily?!)
"Oh no, what have a done to my child?" (Lily is out of view due to one very large rumplestilskin.)
"Lily you forgive me for being unfit right?"
Aunt Mo to the rescue!
The cars were a big hit.
"You better watch where you're going with my child Kelzer!"
Pat desperately wanted to join in on the fun.
Battle Royale
The battle continues...
"Sure I punched her, but I was wearing boxing gloves."
Time to make up

Cousin Lily discovers cheese balls and decides never to consume anything that doesn't glow in the dark ever again. (I'd like to say sorry Curtis, but I'm not sorry one bit!)

Beers at Snowshoe Brewing Company
This is a face only a mother could love.